Meghan Carter explica todo lo que se necesita para tener tu closet ordenado y tambien te da ideas de closets para mujer, closet para hombre, armarios para niños, etc:
Luego Andréa Caetano nos enseña como doblar y guardar todo en su lugar, los brasieres, doblar los polos, colgar los pantalones, etc.:
Luego Andréa Caetano nos enseña como doblar y guardar todo en su lugar, los brasieres, doblar los polos, colgar los pantalones, etc.:

image from House and Gardens

via this is glamorous

via die young, stay pretty

via city sage

via this is glamorous
So Romantical....

image from House and Gardens

via this is glamorous

via die young, stay pretty

via city sage

via this is glamorous
So Romantical....

Dormitorios de princesas. Aquí algunas ideas (en fotos y videos) para la decoración del dormitorio de tu hijita en color rosado y estilo princesa para aquellas mamas que quieren decorar con un mural de princesas, castillos, hadas, coronas, carrosas, y que su nenita sea la princesa del castillo:
- Cuna rosa y verde para la princesita

- Cama carruaje para recámara de niñas con un closet en forma de castillo (Princess in Residence Toddler Bedroom Decorating Idea: Recalling Cinderella’s enchanted pumpkin turned coach, this marvelous littlenest cuddles a young lady in comfort and style. Designer: Mark Wilkinson. A ceiling-height castle is beautifullydetailed for maximum charm. Inside, it’s a storage unit for toys and clothes)

-Un bello castillo para la princesa de la casa, con escalera y resbaladiza

Imagen de la web:
- Mas videos de cuartos para niñas con motivos de princesas:
Princess Room Makeover for Little Girls Perfect Disney Princess Room Princess bed, Princess Castle Theme Bed, Princess Castle Playhouse loft bed, Princess Castle Bunk bed, Girls Princess Beds, Princess Decor, Girls Playhouse bed, Girls Bunk beds, Disney Princess Room, Decorating Ideas Girls room, Decorate Disney Princess Room ***MADE FOR A PRINCESS**** video by SWEETDREAMBED.COM
- Y luego de que terminen de decorar el cuarto de princesa para su hija, lo mas probable es que sus niñas tengan reacciones de felicidad como esta:
If you’re looking into some fairy tale bed for your daughter, then this might be the perfect suitable one. It’s the castle bed for your daughter, complete with its ornament where your daughter can spend time not just sleeping inside the castle which make her look like a princess but also play around. This interactive castle bed for girls available in different colors and design and also they are...
Tip 38 Renovasi Rumah vs Bangun Rumah Baru: Cheap harga untuk apa?
23 April 2008 di Annahape, Bangun Rumah, Desain Arsitektur, Home Improvement, Rumah, Rumah Minimalis, bangunrumah, desain rumah, desainrumah, rumahminimalis | Tags: Add new tag, Anggaran Bangun Rumah, Annahape, arsitek rumah, Arsitek Rumah Tinggal, Bangun rumah, Bangun Rumah Impian, bangunrumah, Desain Arsitektur, desain rumah, Desain Rumah Impian, desainrumah, desain rumah, gambar rumah, konsultasi arsitek, Renovasi Rumah, Rumah idaman, rumahminimalis
Bila panggilan klien saya untuk berkonsultasi merenovasi rumah, ada dua hal yang selalu biasa adalah: Pertama, "Kami hanya ingin memindahkan tembok / dinding, beberapa meter ke belakang atau ke samping", dan Kedua, "Kami ingin meningkatkan rumah menjadi dua lantai ". Bagaimana (biaya), mbak?
Berikut saya merespon isu pertama. Ok, masih banyak yang berpikir bahwa masyarakat umum, sedikit perubahan atau sedikit renovasi dengan biaya. Klien sering terkejut, ketika tahu bahwa biaya yang dikeluarkan sering di luar perkiraan mereka.
Memperbesar ruangan 1 m atau 3 m hampir tidak mengubah biaya kerja. Soalnya, komplikasi yang mungkin muncul karena renovasi dapat sama antara renovasi besar dan kecil. Misalnya, perubahan pada atap, memperpanjang utilities (listrik dan air), sesuai dengan finishing awal.
Saya memberikan contoh sederhana. Katakanlah, Anda akan merenovasi rumah dengan menambah satu kamar 3mx3m. Total penambahan 9m2. Dari berbagai sumber Anda mengetahui bahwa biaya standar rumah senilai Rp 2,5 juta per m2. Jadi, Anda menghitung, biaya renovasi adalah Rp 22,5 juta (2,5 juta 9xRp). Perhitungan ini tidak sepenuhnya benar.
Mengapa? Menambahkan bahwa kamar dapat mengubah struktur berimplikasi pada atap yang lama. Jika tidak, bagian dari atap lama harus dibongkar untuk membuat sambungan ke atap. Membuat sambungan dapat meningkatkan risiko atap kebocoron selama hujan. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada bagian atap yang harus dilakukan juga.
Selain atap, mungkin ada bagian dari tembok lama dalam terbongkar dan harus diperbaiki karena penambahan lebih dinding. Ini berarti ada tambahan biaya dan memuat kembali panjang atas dinding. Yaitu, nilai rata-rata per m2 bangunan renovasi dapat lebih tinggi dari nilai rata-rata per m2 bangunan yang sama sekali baru.
Karena itu, saran saya: jika anda ingin merenovasi rumah dan ingin menghindari biaya yang tidak perlu, renovasi maksimumkan daerah sesuai dengan tanah, anggaran dan alasan renovasi. Renovasi kecil tidak berarti biaya kecil.
Sekarang membuat masalah dengan renovasi gedung bertingkat. Sekilas masuk akal, lebih baik untuk memperbaiki bangunan di stretch gedung. Pondasi rumah yang ada, bukan? Dalam banyak kasus, satu lantai dasar rumah yang tidak bersedia untuk rumah 2 lantai dasar. Artinya, yayasan harus diperkuat. Awamnya istilah, jarum yayasan. Atau bahkan membuat yayasan baru.
Menambah lantai rumah berarti Anda juga harus menyisihkan 6m2 atau lebih untuk tangga. Nah, ini sering berarti Anda harus menyerah pada lantai kamar tidur dan memindahkannya ke lantai 2. Artinya, membuat 2 kamar di lantai 2, Anda mungkin hanya mendapatkan tambahan 1 kamar. Ini akan tergantung pada lingkungan, lebih tinggi akan membahayakan rumah tetangga, atau mungkin keduanya matahari. Anda mungkin berpikir maka Anda lebih beruntung. Namun, pada kesempatan lain, Anda mungkin akan mengalami kerugian besar.
Singkatnya, jika renovasi hanya dapat dilakukan dengan menjadikan rumah 2 lantai, sehingga melakukannya. Namun, untuk memperluas bangunan ke samping atau ke belakang, umumnya lebih mudah, murah dan menghindari kebutuhan tambahan ruang untuk tangga.
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Stumble it!
Cara Membuat Simple Home Business
Sesering merancang pakaian-hukum, akhirnya Anita membuka usaha merancang perempuan. Puteri pemain Sinetron Ida Kusumah ini memang lulusan sekolah desain Susan Budiharjo. Setelah lulus, Anita mulai merancang baju-baju untuk Ida Kusumah, dan hasilnya tergantung dari rancangan undang-undang yang banyak disukai teman-teman sesama seniman. Akhirnya, berkat dukungan dari hukum, pada tahun 2003 Anita membuka jasa menjahit di Serpong.
Selain menerima jahitan, Anita juga melayani jasa konsultasi bagi mereka yang masih bingung dengan pakaian yang akan dikenakan pada suatu acara. Oleh karena itu Anita memerlukan ruang yang luas untuk menerima tamu atau pelanggan. Langganannya kini sudah cukup banyak, tapi kadang-kadang mereka lebih suka Anita yang datang ke rumah mereka untuk mengukur dan mengepas baju.
Memindahkan Dapur, membongkar Kamar
Rumah terletak di Villa Melati Mas, yang pertama ini memiliki dua kamar tidur dan dapur yang terletak di bagian depan rumah. Untuk membuat kamar ini sebagai Anita tidak leluasa melakukan pekerjaannya. Karena itu ia memutuskan untuk merombak rumahnya, dua kamar mejadi satu kamar. Selain itu, dapur yang terletak di depan dipindahkan ke bagian belakang.
Kamar ini digunakan sebagai ruang Anita digunakan untuk desain kamar dan berkonsultasi dengan pelanggan. Sehingga ruangan tidak terlihat penuh dan berantakan, Anita hanya meletakkan sebuah meja kaca dan dua kursi. Di kanan-kiri ada contoh desain pakaian.
Kamar yang awalnya dapur kini dimanfaatkan untuk menerima tamu pada waktu yang memajang karya-karyanya yang merupakan pesanan klien. Biasanya yang ditampilkan di sini adalah karya karya yang unik dan tidak biasa.
Sisa Lahan
Jumlah pekerja yang kini dimiliki oleh Anita lebih kurang 15 orang, termasuk tukang jahit dan tukang bordir. Namun, mereka masih bekerja di tempat terpisah dari rumah Anita. Ini karena desainer dari rumah saat ini tidak mungkin untuk digunakan sebagai sebuah lokakarya.
Karena itu, ke depan Anita untuk mengambil sisa tanah di berbagai rumah ke bengkel. Jadi, jika ada pesanan, Anita tidak lagi repot untuk membawa sebuah lokakarya terpisah dari rumah. (Lia)
Step 1
, clothes and ornaments can use or repurpose to match your new design. The measures for calculating the space you have left for new pieces.
Step 2
Choose a new color of the walls, it will meet the taste and personality. To co-ordinate with the existing floor (if you plan recarpet or add a large area rug), and the shadow of her that she will tire quickly.
Step 3
Find bedding and decorative objects give the "issue" in the room. Consider ideas such as "day on the beach," "Flower Power" and "Teenage Paradise", or simply decorate your favorite colors. Buy window treatments, accents, chair covers, lighting and wall coverings to complete the look.
Step 4
Visit the boards to reduce pinholes in the paint. Encourage her to use to view the magazine clippings, photos, images, school bands and decal, memorabilia and pictures of friends from school, concerts and tours.
Step 5
Buy cubbies, desk trays, baskets and linen closet to organize and police to keep dirty clothes, stuffed animals, trinkets and paperwork from piling up and cluttering the new space.
to learn more....//
following handycraft here://
Tidak ada iklan. 46162
Harga 850.000.000
Tanggal 2009-05-05 15:01:21
59 dilihat
Nama Betty
Tel 0274 7418429
Lokasi Bantul
Kontak pemasang iklan
LUAS BANGUNAN 245 m² 2 LANTAI TINGKAT FASILITAS LENGKAP, siap huni jati SEMUA, Full Kitchen Set jati
Pinggir jalan aspal
Lokasi Bantul
Area 220
3 tempat tidur
2 kamar mandi
1 kamar
Restoran 2
1 dapur
1 kamar pembantu
1 kamar
2 parkir
1 kamar binatu
Air panas
TV satelit
Internet broadband
Bangunan fasilitas
Fasilitas tanah
Keamanan 24jam
Kolam renang
Tempat kebugaran
Club House
Sauna / mandi uap
LAN / Wireless LAN
Minimart / toko
Layanan pembantu
Pembersihan / pemeliharaan
Akses jalan
Len telepon
Nama saya Betty HARTATY KUSUMA saya Selalu
Alamat JL.PANJAITAN JOGJA Tel 0274 7418429
HP 08562853709
Email Faks
Tidak ada iklan. 46162
Harga 850.000.000
Tanggal 2009-05-05 15:01:21
59 dilihat
Nama Betty
Tel 0274 7418429
Lokasi Bantul
Kontak pemasang iklan
LUAS BANGUNAN 245 m² 2 LANTAI TINGKAT FASILITAS LENGKAP, siap huni jati SEMUA, Full Kitchen Set jati
Pinggir jalan aspal
Lokasi Bantul
Area 220
3 tempat tidur
2 kamar mandi
1 kamar
Restoran 2
1 dapur
1 kamar pembantu
1 kamar
2 parkir
1 kamar binatu
Air panas
TV satelit
Internet broadband
Bangunan fasilitas
Fasilitas tanah
Keamanan 24jam
Kolam renang
Tempat kebugaran
Club House
Sauna / mandi uap
LAN / Wireless LAN
Minimart / toko
Layanan pembantu
Pembersihan / pemeliharaan
Akses jalan
Len telepon
Nama saya Betty HARTATY KUSUMA saya Selalu
Alamat JL.PANJAITAN JOGJA Tel 0274 7418429
HP 08562853709
Email Faks
Teras multifungsi
Jumat, 15 Mei 2009 - 15:25 WIB
Text size:
Foto: Corbis
Teras sesuai aplikasi di semua jenis rumah, fungsi yang serupa dengan ruang keluarga. Perbedaannya, di teras depan rumah.
Teras juga transisi dari luar rumah dengan interior. Teras di lapangan dapat lebih rendah, sama atau lebih tinggi daripada di rumah. Masukkan teras di termudah tentunya, adalah bahwa paralel ke tanah. Anda harus terlebih dulu di rumah penelitian tanah sebelum memulai proyek untuk membuat teras.
"Anda memiliki banyak pilihan jika Anda memiliki lantai teras. Secara umum, materi yang sering dipilih semen, biasanya rata dengan desain," kata Andi Haryadi arsitek.
Anda juga dapat menggunakan tegel dari batu alam atau keramik yang besar dengan pasir dan lapisan atas kerikil di tanah, kemudian meletakkan batu ubin di atas pasir atau kerikil. Ruang antara ubin dapat digali, dan tanah, atau humus, rumput atau penutup lainnya. Keramik lantai suara biasanya berkaitan dengan teknik tertentu, yang dipisahkan dan mendesak di lapangan.
"Bahan untuk lantai teras adalah kayu, dan selanjutnya dapat dilakukan dengan tampilannya," kata Andi.
Teras yang terletak di bawah lantai teras yang tenggelam. Jenis teras, menawarkan tidak hanya melihat yang unik, namun juga rasa sejuk dan menyenangkan.
Cara membuat lapisan bawah tanah harus digali dengan kedalaman lima atau enam inci. Ada teras cekung, ada pula teras meningkat. Jenis teras, termasuk jarang digunakan, karena tampilan bukan merupakan kondisi alam dari luar rumah. Terutama jika Anda memiliki taman yang indah.
Di ruang badan, teras lain senapas dengan karakter dalam kosong, tetapi beberapa daerah yang terkait dengan daerah luar. Ruang di teras ukuran bervariasi, tergantung pada struktur fisik yang luas dan kebutuhan keluarga, dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitas di sekitar teras.
Teras dapat setengah terbuka, yang sangat berpengalaman, sebagai ruang keluarga. Tidak menutup kemungkinan teras hanya flat permukaan 1 x 2 meter dengan aksen sebagai kursi ruang tunggu di depan tamu pemilik rumah membuka pintu. Semua bentuk teras yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan Cukai House pemilik. Namun, teras kecil, dengan adanya fungsi yang sangat penting dan bermanfaat. Teras di bagian depan, belakang atau samping rumah. Penempatan di teras tidak langsung membedakan fungsi tiap jenis teras.
Teras berada di depan pintu masuk utama yang berfungsi sebagai ruang penerima tamu sebelum tamu di rumah, teras yang berada di ruang keluarga pribadi. "Biasanya bagian belakang patio adalah lanjutan dari ruang yang digunakan untuk kegiatan keluarga yang sering dilakukan, dan merasa nyaman ketika, di sebuah tempat untuk menikmati udara segar. Kegiatan Olahraga, makan pagi, siang atau teh bersantai sambil membaca koran, akan lebih banyak lagi akan di teras, "kata Andi.
Tidak semua rumah memiliki kotak sebelah sisa tanah yang digunakan untuk pembangunan sebuah teras. Secara umum kaveling dengan rumah besar, tetapi di lapangan untuk bangunan yang tidak terlalu besar, di samping teras rumah. Atau rumah yang berada di kaveling sudut, lebih mungkin, di samping sebuah teras rumah. Fungsi lebih seperti teras di samping bagian belakang patio, misalnya, sebagai hobi nyaman kamar yang lebih banyak di daerah seperti setengah buka teras.
Sebagai teras dalam setengah dari ruang terbuka, perencanaan dan penataannya pasti dari sektor lainnya. Pemilu penunjangnya sebagai bahan mebel dan seleksi. Selain itu, karena di luar bidang rumah, teras yang juga bagian dari taman. Peraturan dari taman di sekitar patio akan penting untuk seluruh rumah tampilan.
(Alquran SI / SI Qur'an / tty)
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Round Countetops Modern Kitchen from Pedini
Pedini kitchens throughout countetops can become new trends in kitchen design, because the super ergonomic technology, the least visible and beautiful along the countertop, giving the number of possible strike.
pedini-integra-round kitchen2.jpg
Is not that cool when you can reach the stove, shelves, refrigerator, cutting board and other things needed for cooking without doing the steps? Finally I can say that Pendini kitchen so beautiful and the style that you want to spend more time in the kitchen than ever before.
pedini-integra-round kitchen.jpg
Si dispones de un espacio no tan pequeño para la habitación de tus hijos, podrías convertir el dormitorio de los chicos en una especie de loft con varios ambientes.
Pero qué es un loft? Un loft es un gran espacio dentro del piso de un edificio, que se adapta para ser utilizado como vivienda. Por lo general, el espacio de un loft no ha sido diseñado para ser un departamento, ya que usualmente, su uso previo tiene que ver con lo industrial; fábricas, construcción, bodegas, etc. Estas condiciones hacen del loft un lugar amplio, que no cuenta con paredes que dividan los distintos sectores, siendo el baño el único lugar de la vivienda que cuenta con un poco más de privacidad. Adaptando este concepto a un dormitorio, podríamos ver lo siguiente:
Estos preciosos diseños de dormitorio naranja / rojo con negro, permiten crear varios ambientes en un solo espacio y de paso ahorran espacio:
Diseño de dormitorios:

Lock-Up Stage
Lock-up means that your house will be full external, with all the stages, porches and stairs, as shown on the plan. All interior walls are framed, ready for plumbing and electrical work and trim. In the case of exposed ceilings, they will be aligned to the rafters pine T & G and lining board completely isolated.
Semi Completion
Half full is closed, the electricity and plumbing in the rough, laid the floor, including T & G, where the candidates, all linings, architraves, skirtings, doors and handles hung equipped, all cupboards, as shown on the building plan with a single shelf and hanging dress. Bathrooms and kitchens will be waterproofed and molested while awaiting fit-pc off and tiles.
Completion Stage
Completion means that your house will be full with the exception of normal sanitation and stormwater connections, painting, flooring and lighting. All other elements are included in our prices and have vanity units, white bathroom suites, quality bathroom, shower screens, towel, taps and mirrors. The walls are lined with plasterboard and cornices.
Skirting boards, architraves and interior doors are colonial style. All doors have premium door furniture, shelving and is equipped with all the wardrobe shown on the plan. Bathrooms and laundries are fully tiled, the latter having a stainless steel tank. More than enough hot water service is provided with light and sockets and laminated wood kitchen cabinets and a stove and quality accessories.
Lock-Up Standard Package
* Treatment of stem wood of pine, hardwood bearers and joist
* Land of soil particles (wetland quality)
* Dressed Radiata Pine Frame
* Sisal coating exterior walls
* Sisal roof
* Oregon Exposed beams, joists and rafters above
* Custom-orb Colorbond roofing, gutters and down to ground floor
* 'Hardiplank or western red cedar weatherboard cladding
* Solid wood panels Gateway
* Maple window blinds and rear doors (CMR)
* Custom made Solid maple staircase (the houses of two floors).
* Triangle gable windows custom maple
* Outside the Sydney metropolitan area, zone allowances apply.
Note: A 7 years guarantee insurance policy will apply to all the houses in our project, with a period of 3 months from the date of completion of the contract.
Options ... Please ask for more ...
* Tongue & Groove floor hardwood
* A selection of weatherbaords for a painted finish including Hardiplank, western red cedar, rough sawn, dressed and rusticated pine.
* Brick rustic finish, the concrete slab or strip footings
* Many varieties of window designs and finishes incl. Aluminum
* A selection of balastrading including pine pickets, son of stainless steel custom tuning aluminum or stainless steel
* A selection of handrails including pine and custom aluminum or stainless steel
Please inquire about any other design preferences you have in May.
Plans Packages
This is a service provided by Classic for customers who are either outside the construction zone or have the owner in May manufacturer or the owner wants to build
Classic Country Cottages to modify / create a new home for you and give you at once, building permits and all the detailed drawings, including specifications Classic Country Cottages for PC and inclusions. NOTE: Engineering is not included.
All requests must first be addressed to our office in NSW. (Click here to access the contact page).
Plans package from $ 6500.00 and we will contact you as one of our clients to provide the best reception. This gives you the freedom to modify inclusions, choose your builder, you attend to objects etc etc. It is ideal for people out of the way or places with the desire to immerse themselves in the construction of their new home.
Handled carefully, it can save money and to provide an even more personal design. If you choose a style you will be able to see any construction or under construction.
Inquiries should be by email or telephone as a plan of all sales are considered on a case by case basis.
A Grand Design
August 25, 2006
When Nancy Zwiener moved to Hartford several years ago, she was unable to find the high-end fabrics, furniture and accessories she wanted locally. She and interior designer Richard Ott met to frequent trips to design showrooms in Boston and New York to complete the project.
When they did the decorating, the client and the designer has decided to team up to bring luxury brands to decorating Hartford. A year ago they launched their own exhibition hall, called DesignSourceCT.
Located in a factory, renovated with style, at the corner of Park Street and Bartholomew Avenue in Hartford's Parkville neighborhood DesignSourceCT solidified the region as a top venue for the design and put it squarely on the map. "We had a person from New York last week, who had heard a lot about it and just seen," says Zwiener.
A one-stop shopping for interior designers and their customers, the showroom offers Fabrics Scalamandre, Brunschwig & Fils and the Old World Weavers; carpet by Stark; by Kravet trimmings and wall coverings, curtains custom accessories previously available only in exclusive showrooms hundreds of miles.
Meanwhile, nearby, at West Hartford's New Park Avenue area, another home-design and renovation took shape locus. During the last decade, starting with the opening of 1996, Home Depot, dozens of home-related stores, specializing in everything, granite tiles, glass shower, have been catering to a public taste for habitat improvement seems far from satisfied.
The cost of painting the outside of the early 20th century that makes its home DesignSourceCT architectural details - the crenellated roof line, the ornaments of diamonds along the top floor, the industrial-size windows. Stylish wide bands and green-brown awnings, glass and steel front at ground level and concrete balconies belie the site.
If the banners exclaiming renaissance Parkville neighborhood are not so obvious, you might think he had stumbled in Manhattan SoHo or meat packing district hip. The lobby is extremely modern DesignSourceCT with four oversized abstract paintings by local artist Gabriela Galarza-Block on the walls and strongly geometric side chairs upholstered dynamic bands until the visitor. Pendant lighting adds downtown flair.
Not long ago, the exhibition room of the spacious interior, more recently, housing and cars has experienced many vicissitudes during the last century, was filled with scrap metal and industrial debris. Sturdy concrete (reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright design the Johnson Wax building) have been sandblasted, concrete floors were stained and other details of the construction of the previous life, such as bricks glass, were cleaned, transforming the space into a luxurious furnishings.
But how an abandoned building became an exclusive address for high-end interior design?
Zwiener, who has decorated 10 homes over the past decades, when she met Ott was hired for a project at his home in St. Louis more than 10 years. When she moved to the Hartford area, he eventually followed.
As they worked together, the idea to open a design exhibition in Hartford, offering "on-trade" in textiles and furniture, have begun to stir.
Zwiener with business acumen and Ott discerning eyes, the couple set up a business plan and began the laborious search of a spectacular space. After many trips and a long court "with potential suppliers to convince them that Zwiener called the" vision center "- and" product quality ", says Ott - they settled in Parkville.
Like the design of showrooms in New York and Boston, DesignSourceCT is open to the public by appointment, but the purchases are only available for trade. " This means that the client works with a designer who guides, inspires and educates, in some cases, the customer. The designer is then able to purchase all products through the showroom.
Zwiener said the beauty and advantage of this "customer / business relationship" is that it helps people avoid the mistakes of decoration, which can be costly. And interior designers DesignSourceCT to help eliminate the stress and confusion of the multitude of choices. "You really can not afford not to hire" a professional, she says.
With over 20,000 square feet of space, the exhibition offers a wide selection of home furnishings. A unique feature of working with a designer, it is about that "everything can be customized to suit the needs of a client, Zwiener said." If you want to change the finish, to amend a piece of furniture to make it longer or wider "-" shorter or larger, "says Ott -" it can be done here, "says Zwiener.
Sharon McCormick of Fairchild House Interiors in Durham said that if it still has the head to a design exhibition in Boston, it makes it much less often since DesignSourceCT open.
"Been there, I'm there every week," said McCormick. "I do not customers. They like to sit in the chair, looking at the quality of furniture. And the fabrics are fabulous. "
McCormick said one of the main advantages of DesignSourceCT is that it saves time compared to travel to Boston and New York and that its customers save a lot of money.
Marilyn Donzila, owner of Glastonbury Marilyn Interiors, agrees that the selection is excellent and DesignSourceCT that for many customers, it reduces the need for frequent trips to New York and Boston.
"This area is in search of a design center," she says. "It really fills a major gap in the corner."
She also said that the atmosphere at DesignSourceCT is not at all intimidating for customers.
"They do a fabulous job," said Kirstie Chadwick Kofoed of Interiors in West Hartford, "very professional. The offerings are just what you might need. I take clients there. The staff looks at the rear to help the designers and their clients. ... After something of this fence is a real time saver. "
In addition to the lines of furniture and accessories to DesignSourceCT is office space on the mezzanine for a period of six interior designers. Beyond Gary Tracy Business Interior Design, was the location of this area since last spring. He said that one of the highlights and major advantages of being based in DesignSourceCT is that the showroom is like a public library, a research design is full of resources available seven days a week .
"I am a defender to be on site," he says.
In addition to interior design services, when a studio custom draperies, custom cabinet makers and a framework for the workshop are also on site. A retail consignment store specializes in the design Find Gently used high-end furniture at reduced prices. An upholsterer working in the lower level.
Another tenant is ground-Ray Lighting and Design Studios, owned by Ray Christensen, a certified lighting specialist Metzger who owned lighting in West Hartford before its closure last fall. Christensen picked up tiny new LED lighting at a recent show, and it is sophisticated with recessed lighting, without glare. Of exterior lighting and the landscape of "discreet" customized for lighting works of art and the restoration and repair of lights, Christensen said: "My job is to do everything is superb."
Lyman Kitchens is next to DesignSourceCT, housed in a former bicycle factory which dates from 1899. Custom kitchen showroom moved to the south of Windsor in 1995, and Brian Lyman, CEO, explains one of the major reasons why the decision was the "construction of the visibility of I-84. There are a lot of exposure. "At the confluence of I-84 and I-91 to the back door, it's a central location for employees, as well as suppliers, distributors and the general public.
Lyman says DesignSourceCT had a positive impact on our business and the neighborhood, which he describes as having been "bombed out," with many abandoned buildings, where he first moved in. Now, he says, it ' there is none.
An early pioneer of the avenue Barthélémy is RLF Home, a commercial design ready-made windows and beds. Owner Robin Fisher has operated his business for 18 years and said it was definitely "more traffic on the street" since the opening of DesignSourceCT. Fisher also owns decorators Source, located in the basement of 30 Bartholomew Ave . Who sells leftover fabric, ribbons, trims, pillows, and "faux pas", according to Fisher, all at discounted prices.
Less than 2 miles, retailers and just off along Park Avenue in New West Hartford have made the neighborhood a different concept of destination.
Surfaces in Stone, for example, which specializes in granite countertops, has conducted its business in a small shop behind TileAmerica! About a year and a half stone surfaces built his own beautiful new showroom on the Avenue, because, said showroom manager Sal Camera, "We have seen much of a chance on retail sales. "
Corthouts Jim moved his company, the Netherlands Kitchens & Baths, of New Park Avenue in November and said he sees a real advantage of being in an area of renovation. Unlike the march of the movement that he used to get at Holland Kitchens was in Bishop's Corner in West Hartford - including many who were just looking around - the people who now make visit his showroom are there for a reason. "
Corthouts said it had more traffic than expected, and predicted the region will continue to improve as old buildings are torn down or given fresh new facades and new buildings continue to rise.
Companies are just two of more than two dozen home design, home improvement, home decoration and construction-related companies that have banded together to promote the New Park Avenue as a home - design district.
"Although not under the same roof, there are 25 [home-related] companies within 2 [square] miles," Camera said. The group hung banners along the main road to four lanes and additional promotional plans to attract owners there.
"People can really hit almost everything that relates to improving the habitat," says Corthouts. "The region is really a takeover."
Meanwhile, DesignSourceCT, which just celebrated its first anniversary, Zwiener said, "phones ringing of the hook."
For more information on the Home Design District of West Hartford, go to
August 25, 2006
When Nancy Zwiener moved to Hartford several years ago, she was unable to find the high-end fabrics, furniture and accessories she wanted locally. She and interior designer Richard Ott met to frequent trips to design showrooms in Boston and New York to complete the project.
When they did the decorating, the client and the designer has decided to team up to bring luxury brands to decorating Hartford. A year ago they launched their own exhibition hall, called DesignSourceCT.
Located in a factory, renovated with style, at the corner of Park Street and Bartholomew Avenue in Hartford's Parkville neighborhood DesignSourceCT solidified the region as a top venue for the design and put it squarely on the map. "We had a person from New York last week, who had heard a lot about it and just seen," says Zwiener.
A one-stop shopping for interior designers and their customers, the showroom offers Fabrics Scalamandre, Brunschwig & Fils and the Old World Weavers; carpet by Stark; by Kravet trimmings and wall coverings, curtains custom accessories previously available only in exclusive showrooms hundreds of miles.
Meanwhile, nearby, at West Hartford's New Park Avenue area, another home-design and renovation took shape locus. During the last decade, starting with the opening of 1996, Home Depot, dozens of home-related stores, specializing in everything, granite tiles, glass shower, have been catering to a public taste for habitat improvement seems far from satisfied.
The cost of painting the outside of the early 20th century that makes its home DesignSourceCT architectural details - the crenellated roof line, the ornaments of diamonds along the top floor, the industrial-size windows. Stylish wide bands and green-brown awnings, glass and steel front at ground level and concrete balconies belie the site.
If the banners exclaiming renaissance Parkville neighborhood are not so obvious, you might think he had stumbled in Manhattan SoHo or meat packing district hip. The lobby is extremely modern DesignSourceCT with four oversized abstract paintings by local artist Gabriela Galarza-Block on the walls and strongly geometric side chairs upholstered dynamic bands until the visitor. Pendant lighting adds downtown flair.
Not long ago, the exhibition room of the spacious interior, more recently, housing and cars has experienced many vicissitudes during the last century, was filled with scrap metal and industrial debris. Sturdy concrete (reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright design the Johnson Wax building) have been sandblasted, concrete floors were stained and other details of the construction of the previous life, such as bricks glass, were cleaned, transforming the space into a luxurious furnishings.
But how an abandoned building became an exclusive address for high-end interior design?
Zwiener, who has decorated 10 homes over the past decades, when she met Ott was hired for a project at his home in St. Louis more than 10 years. When she moved to the Hartford area, he eventually followed.
As they worked together, the idea to open a design exhibition in Hartford, offering "on-trade" in textiles and furniture, have begun to stir.
Zwiener with business acumen and Ott discerning eyes, the couple set up a business plan and began the laborious search of a spectacular space. After many trips and a long court "with potential suppliers to convince them that Zwiener called the" vision center "- and" product quality ", says Ott - they settled in Parkville.
Like the design of showrooms in New York and Boston, DesignSourceCT is open to the public by appointment, but the purchases are only available for trade. " This means that the client works with a designer who guides, inspires and educates, in some cases, the customer. The designer is then able to purchase all products through the showroom.
Zwiener said the beauty and advantage of this "customer / business relationship" is that it helps people avoid the mistakes of decoration, which can be costly. And interior designers DesignSourceCT to help eliminate the stress and confusion of the multitude of choices. "You really can not afford not to hire" a professional, she says.
With over 20,000 square feet of space, the exhibition offers a wide selection of home furnishings. A unique feature of working with a designer, it is about that "everything can be customized to suit the needs of a client, Zwiener said." If you want to change the finish, to amend a piece of furniture to make it longer or wider "-" shorter or larger, "says Ott -" it can be done here, "says Zwiener.
Sharon McCormick of Fairchild House Interiors in Durham said that if it still has the head to a design exhibition in Boston, it makes it much less often since DesignSourceCT open.
"Been there, I'm there every week," said McCormick. "I do not customers. They like to sit in the chair, looking at the quality of furniture. And the fabrics are fabulous. "
McCormick said one of the main advantages of DesignSourceCT is that it saves time compared to travel to Boston and New York and that its customers save a lot of money.
Marilyn Donzila, owner of Glastonbury Marilyn Interiors, agrees that the selection is excellent and DesignSourceCT that for many customers, it reduces the need for frequent trips to New York and Boston.
"This area is in search of a design center," she says. "It really fills a major gap in the corner."
She also said that the atmosphere at DesignSourceCT is not at all intimidating for customers.
"They do a fabulous job," said Kirstie Chadwick Kofoed of Interiors in West Hartford, "very professional. The offerings are just what you might need. I take clients there. The staff looks at the rear to help the designers and their clients. ... After something of this fence is a real time saver. "
In addition to the lines of furniture and accessories to DesignSourceCT is office space on the mezzanine for a period of six interior designers. Beyond Gary Tracy Business Interior Design, was the location of this area since last spring. He said that one of the highlights and major advantages of being based in DesignSourceCT is that the showroom is like a public library, a research design is full of resources available seven days a week .
"I am a defender to be on site," he says.
In addition to interior design services, when a studio custom draperies, custom cabinet makers and a framework for the workshop are also on site. A retail consignment store specializes in the design Find Gently used high-end furniture at reduced prices. An upholsterer working in the lower level.
Another tenant is ground-Ray Lighting and Design Studios, owned by Ray Christensen, a certified lighting specialist Metzger who owned lighting in West Hartford before its closure last fall. Christensen picked up tiny new LED lighting at a recent show, and it is sophisticated with recessed lighting, without glare. Of exterior lighting and the landscape of "discreet" customized for lighting works of art and the restoration and repair of lights, Christensen said: "My job is to do everything is superb."
Lyman Kitchens is next to DesignSourceCT, housed in a former bicycle factory which dates from 1899. Custom kitchen showroom moved to the south of Windsor in 1995, and Brian Lyman, CEO, explains one of the major reasons why the decision was the "construction of the visibility of I-84. There are a lot of exposure. "At the confluence of I-84 and I-91 to the back door, it's a central location for employees, as well as suppliers, distributors and the general public.
Lyman says DesignSourceCT had a positive impact on our business and the neighborhood, which he describes as having been "bombed out," with many abandoned buildings, where he first moved in. Now, he says, it ' there is none.
An early pioneer of the avenue Barthélémy is RLF Home, a commercial design ready-made windows and beds. Owner Robin Fisher has operated his business for 18 years and said it was definitely "more traffic on the street" since the opening of DesignSourceCT. Fisher also owns decorators Source, located in the basement of 30 Bartholomew Ave . Who sells leftover fabric, ribbons, trims, pillows, and "faux pas", according to Fisher, all at discounted prices.
Less than 2 miles, retailers and just off along Park Avenue in New West Hartford have made the neighborhood a different concept of destination.
Surfaces in Stone, for example, which specializes in granite countertops, has conducted its business in a small shop behind TileAmerica! About a year and a half stone surfaces built his own beautiful new showroom on the Avenue, because, said showroom manager Sal Camera, "We have seen much of a chance on retail sales. "
Corthouts Jim moved his company, the Netherlands Kitchens & Baths, of New Park Avenue in November and said he sees a real advantage of being in an area of renovation. Unlike the march of the movement that he used to get at Holland Kitchens was in Bishop's Corner in West Hartford - including many who were just looking around - the people who now make visit his showroom are there for a reason. "
Corthouts said it had more traffic than expected, and predicted the region will continue to improve as old buildings are torn down or given fresh new facades and new buildings continue to rise.
Companies are just two of more than two dozen home design, home improvement, home decoration and construction-related companies that have banded together to promote the New Park Avenue as a home - design district.
"Although not under the same roof, there are 25 [home-related] companies within 2 [square] miles," Camera said. The group hung banners along the main road to four lanes and additional promotional plans to attract owners there.
"People can really hit almost everything that relates to improving the habitat," says Corthouts. "The region is really a takeover."
Meanwhile, DesignSourceCT, which just celebrated its first anniversary, Zwiener said, "phones ringing of the hook."
For more information on the Home Design District of West Hartford, go to
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Los muebles para dormitorios infantiles son cada vez más prácticos, ya que se transforman, tienen mil recursos para almacenar y durán más que antes. Aqui verás lindos videos de decoración en cuartos infantiles que te podrán dar ideas y tips de decoración de recámaras para niños y niñas - Diseñador Leonardo Páez. Tambien un video de murales para habitaciones infantiles.
Los colores en la habitación de su hijo son importantes, por ello tenga cuidado al elegir la decoración del dormitorio infantil:
Los colores en la habitación de su hijo son importantes, por ello tenga cuidado al elegir la decoración del dormitorio infantil:
Mural de safari para cuarto de niños - Nay Lam. - Trabajo hecho para una residencia de una casa en San Isidro, Lima - Perú:
Si deseas ver más DORMITORIOS INFANTILES, visita nuestra sección DORMITORIOS INFANTILES.
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